Laboratorio CIFGA S.A. is a chemical pharmaceutical SME located in Lugo, Spain, devoted to the design, production, purification and characterization of standards for analysis and research through biotechnology processes. CIFGA is one of the first ISO 17034 Certified Reference Materials Producer accredited by ENAC (Spanish Accreditation Body) with Accreditation Number 02/PMR003 (23/09/2016), which assures its technical competence, good quality management practice and verification of critical production planning, material selection, assignment of certified values, uncertainty, traceability, homogeneity and stability. It is the first company worldwide in being Accredited according to ISO 17034 for specific materials of marine biotoxins, and all the processes from the company follow those guidelines, in addition to have implemented and maintain a Quality Management System certified according to ISO 9001, reflecting the commitment to the highest products and service quality.

The laboratory is equipped with a range of state of the art instrumentation for carrying out the specific activities according to ISO standards, including culturing facilities, LC-MS/MS analytical and preparative systems.

Project roles

CIFGA will participate on the collaborative research on the analysis of mycotoxins. They will also lead WP3, participating in the Regional Working Group in Galicia and collaborating on the Platform.

Agritox CIFGA Dr Eva Cagide

Partner contact:

Dr Eva Cagide



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